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Otway Ranges Environment Network
Forest Fact File


Forest Fact File - Woodchipping

International Plantations

10-15 years ago many countries began planting eucalyptus for pulp. Upon reaching maturity the plantation grown eucalypt will out compete local native forest timber on both price and quality, currently used to supply the international demand for hard wood. The Australian Native forestry has responded to this threat by attempting to cut all of Australia's Old Growth forests before the market is flooded with plantation grown chips from overseas, and they will be unable to seel the old growth chips.

Reference: Habitat Australia November 1994.

Not Sawlog Driven

Many of the forests now being cleared for woodchips could not be logged economically for sawlogs alone....Some coupes in Tasmania have as little as 4% Sawlogs (??by volume??) taken out of the coupe, with 96% being for woodchipping.

Reference: Habitat Australia

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