Otway Ranges Environment Network



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Logging practices increase bushfire risk on public land.

There are many factors which influence bushfire behaviour. Some of these factors cannot be controlled such as the weather. However some factors can be managed such as fuel load (through fuel reduction burning) and logging (which can be restricted to areas away from key assets and property).

Influences on bushfire behaviour in order of significance and what can be managed.

Influences on fire severity and inferred fire intensity* Weather> Forest
Time since
Aspect> Time since
Factors which
can be managed

Protect fire

Promote the
extent of rainforset.

Fuel reduction


nil Stop/control logging nil

* Influences on fire severity and inferred fire intensity from Professor Bradstock’s presentation to the Bushfire Royal Commission.


Summary of factors why logging practices in State forests increase the bushfire risk.

The Melbourne Water Catchment Network (MWCN) and the Otway Ranges Environment
Network (OREN) wrote submissions to the Bushfire Royal Commission regarding the following critical issues:

1. Scientific research demonstrates clearfell logging makes forests more bushfire prone.
This issue raised by experts at the Bushfire Royal Commission. See more.

See interactive picture map.

2. One in 20 bushfires are started by logging industry practices in State forests. See more.


3. Logging not greenies to blame for past lack of fuel reduction burning See more.


4. Rainforests can act as natural firebreaks in moderate to low fire conditions.
Logging inhibits the ability of rainforest to act as a firebreak. See more.


5. Thinning makes forests drier and more bushfire prone. See more.



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