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Draft Tiger quoll SMZ plan


(Natural Resources and Environment letterhead)

Ref: (none)

21 July 2000

Mr Simon Birrell

Dear Mr Birrell

Spot-tailed Quoll SMZ Plan

Ian Miles has asked that I forward you a copy of the SMZ Plan relating to timber harvesting in the Mud Track Coupe in the Otway Ranges.

The SMZ Plan prepared in January 2000 is attached. Note that this was the first plan prepared after the release of the RFA Consultation Paper, which indicated that such plans would be required. I expect future plans will be formatted differently and, where feasible, will include a map.

Yours sincerely


Andrew Maclean
Regional Forests Manager,
Western Victoria


Special Management Zone (RFA area number 7081) Interim Management Plan


Author: Ian Shurvell

Date: 28 January, 2000


  1. To provide interim management guidelines for coupes 07/244/542/002 and 07/244/542/00 in the Special Management Zone areas number 7081 proposed as part of the RFA process for Spot-tailed Quoll protection.

  2. To meet requirements set out in the West Victorian RFA Consolation Paper that an SMZ plan be prepared for SMZs set up for Quoll protection.
  3. Background

  4. The West Victorian RFA Consultation Paper sets out guidelines for threatened fauna species in the West Region{Table 3.4, page 48). The Spot-tailed quoll is included in this list. The guideline summary reads
  5. "For each confirmed record in State forest establish approximately 500 hectares SPZ and 1000 ha SMZ. An SMZ plan to be prepared before harvesting operations commence within SMZ."

  6. There has been. a confirmed Quoll sighting in. the Mud Road area. The RFA Consultation paper proposes four SPZs in the area (Area Numbers 7065, 7067, 7068 and 7082) totalling 971 ha for Spot-tailed Quoll and masked Owl protection. It also proposes a 691ha SMZ (Area number 7081) for Spot-tailed Quoll protection adjacent to Area Numbers 7065, 7067, 7068 and 7082. This SMZ adjoins the Angahook-Lorne State park along its eastern boundary.
  1. 'There are currently two logging coupes scheduled in the Mud Road area. Thev are on the 1999/00 schedule of the currently approved Otway Forest Management Area Wood Utilisation Plan. They are Mud Road (07/244/542/002) and Mud Roadline (07/244/542/00). Mud Roadline is a road line coupe along the edges of Mud Road from Wye Rd to the mud Rd coupe. It was included on the schedule to allow improvement works on Mud Road, the access road to the Mud Rd coupe.

  2. Part of the Mud Road coupe falls within the SPZ (7065) so will be excluded from harvesting. The remaining 23ha of the coupe is still scheduled from clear fall harvesting this season.

  3. Examination of logging history maps indicates that there has been about 142ha of clear fall harvesting in the SMZ since 1970. There has also been a fair amount of lower intensity (group selection type) harvesting across the area. Examination of the Stae Forest Resource Inventory (SFRI) maps for the area indicated that the non-clearfall logging has left those areas with cover that is predominantly mature, late mature or senescent (not young regrowth predominated).

  4. Discussions with Kylie White and examination of the most recent management plan work (North Weat FMA Proposed Forest Management Plan) indicates that the following principles should be adhered to in an SMZ for Quolls:
    1. 8.1 The SMZ must have harvesting scheduled to ensure that at least 500has of suitable prey habitat is available at any one time. Regrowth over 30 years of age is considered suitable prey habitat. Over time harvesting may extend over the whole SMZ.

    8.2 Ensure that prey habitat components such as hollow bearing trees are retained.
    8.3 Establish a 200m radius SPZ around latrine and den sites that are not otherwise protected.
    8.4 Recognise that Spot-tailed Quolls are susceptible to the use of 1080 baits in pest animal control programs.

    Interim SMZ Plan Actions

  5. This Plan is to replaced with a final version once a West RFA standard format has been agreed upon.

  6. Adhere to the principles outlined in point 8 above.

  7. The harvesting of the coupes 07/244/542/002 and (07/244/542/00) conforms to section 8.1

  8. Ban the use of 1080 poison with the SMZ/SPZ.

  9. In addition to the Otway Management Prescriptions retain suitable hollow logs on the ground where they occur. Where present, incorporate one suitable hollow log or hollow based tree per hectare into understory (sic) islands. The understory (sic) islands are to be at least 10 around the log or tree or if adjacent to other reserves. Preference should be given to the given to (sic) tying understory islands into existing reserves.

  10. Use mechanical disturbance as the preferred regeneration technique within the SMZ, being careful to ensure no damage to understorey islands. Burning to be used where the use of mechanical disturbance is not practical or jeopardises the chances of regeneration success. Where burning is used steps will be taken to reduce the chance of hollow log or hollow based tree being burnt.

  11. Harvesting for the 1999/2000 season to be limited to coupes No. 07/244/542/002 and 07/244/542/00. Future harvesting areas are to be planned in accordance with the final SMZ plan for Quoll SMZs.

  12. Implementation of the Plan to involve field inspections with Forestry Victoria, FFF and Forest Management staff invited to examine the issues, particularly relating to hollow logs, on site.
  13. Comment

  14. Currently it is proposed that less than 40ha in total is harvested between now and 2003. Longer term harvesting is envisaged to be well within the limits set out above.

  15. This document should be viewed as an SMZ plan for proposed RFA Area Number 7081. There should also be recognition of the need to refine and standardise the SMZ plan format. This should take place once the RFA has been finalised.


Commonwealth of Australia (2002) West Victoria Ragional Forest Agreement Consultation Paper

DNRE (1991) "Flora and Fauna Guarantee Action Statement No15, Tiger Quoll, Dasyurus maculatus"

DNRE (1999) "Proposed North East Forest Management Plan"


Fleur Maidment, Forest Manager, Otways (Signed, Peter Tange, Regional Forest Manager Western Victoria 10/2/00)

Ian Smith, FFF Co-Ordinator, Colac (Signed, 10/02/02)

Jon Rofe, Senior Forester, Otway FMA (Signed, 10/02/00)


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